Planning meeting with a contractor today about some concrete pours. We’re creative and then reign it in.

Initial idea: an asymmetrical hexagon, each side a different length. Soooo cool from above, right? Y’know, in case we fly over or something.

Idea at end of talking to someone more competent: 3 attached rectangles, 2 of 28′ x 20′ on either side of 20′ and 1 of 8’x8′ that includes 6’x8′ of steps in front of the 20′. The hexapod pools stay, obvs. On further reflection, we should probably make them extra deep… (evolving, rough) model here.
Also, we learn that Rotoplas makes a biodigestor. And, it’s not a million pesos. If we get tired of digging holes each time we have to #2 and/or decide we want to cater to guests who might feel that way, maybe we’ll have to give it a try:)