This piece helped me chill (figuratively, fortunately, although the water has gotten a lot colder in the last month) today. “Sure, the founders were pirates, but even that’s a little bit funny.” Oscarito’s is the closest grocery store. It’s not Berkeley Bowl, but it does have the best popsicles I’ve ever had. Treating myself to… Continue reading relajado
Author: luke
A bit distracted / much today: lots to decide and do here, + only around a few weeks (not even 2) until Seattle trip. More importantly, look at this sunrise! I literally laugh out loud as I’m working from here. This is my dirty utopia; I really can’t complain.
Back in La Ventana after a medium trip to London. Pros: got to see my Moana! Other stuff too, but that was by far the best part:) Coolest new thing I saw was these guys. Makes me want to build weird floating things, too! My favorite graffiti piece. Like space invaders grew a third dimension… Continue reading retornar
progress, break
Here, have a view from the uppermost bondtainer deck. Most of the things got done this week: ✅ Finish opening bank account ✅ Fence done and paid for ✅ Solid cat couch launch date ✅ Fix solar panels (seems only 1 of 2 parallel strings are producing): doubled BOOM ✅ get containers delivered + stacked!: I love them ✅ load everything… Continue reading progress, break
a plan plan
What am I going to do with this place? Initial idea is to make this a ~2-year project, based on my historic attention span and Moana’s Master’s program. Coming in, I was most excited about creating what I’ve been looking for: a fancy trailer park, somewhere for homes on wheels that’s: Legal: don’t want to… Continue reading a plan plan
pumping solar
Whole lotta manual labor today: unloading bricks and shuffling panels. This is what 100 cinder blocks artfully tossed from Alexander look like. I’ve been running on 6 panels, and I’ve brought 36. The remaining 28 (-6 on roof + 2 on truck) need stored better than leaning on trailer, so to the “cut into bits”… Continue reading pumping solar
just looking
Yeah, I’ll eventually do something with these other than admire them… probably;) I guess we have the sauna. This is inside the “cut into little pieces” container at 3:20. It’d been sitting in the sun fully closed all day. Air temp outside was ~85. Also, it’s painted a dark matte blue, much better aesthetically than… Continue reading just looking
legos stacked
I built something that looks impossible today. I’d talked about it for years, and now it exists. Here’s what happened in 50 seconds: 4 piers (combining to 2 underground) are the only points of contact with the ground. The 20′ container is welded to rebar in the piers, and the 40′ container is welded to… Continue reading legos stacked
a working boat
Is a simple boat: my $100 kayak does great, dropping it in the water and rowing past Punta Gorda in no time. Fish aren’t amazing, or at least the ones I shoot aren’t. Both this and last times I’ve had a big one come up and check out what I’m doing. Today it was a… Continue reading a working boat
smarter dirtbag grids
Brainstorming better ways to handle power for here and a buddy’s project. How can we make our microgrids smarter without spending a bunch of money or developing years of custom stuff? Here’s my rough sketch, and here’s some cheap gear that will require some hacking but might actually work: Wifi-controllable outlets that monitor energy usage… Continue reading smarter dirtbag grids