mysterious leak

Alexander’s smelled oddly gaseous and required multiple tries to start for a couple days now. Buying steel in La Paz, I notice he’s making puddles that smell a bit too much like gas for comfort. Some zip ties and ~$20 later, this guy’s got it fixed for me. Alexander is back to starting more smoothly… Continue reading mysterious leak

suggestive decks

planned decks in yellow. too… sexual? More importantly: I fished for ~5 hours today and only got 2 little fish. spear got caught shooting one into a cave at ~25′. Down multiple times, still can’t get it out. Finally, pulling so hard I think i’m gonna bend it or sever the sliptip, I see the… Continue reading suggestive decks

ugly welds

i forgot how much… personality flux core has compared to mig but, getting on up!

stairs close

Plenty of welds to finish, but I already love them. Worth at least 20% of the time I put into em;)