Most exciting discovery of the day: ~cheaper to pay someone to get mail from La Paz than to drive Alexander there and back! Huge: ~$16 after tip for pickup of ebike + 5 small boxes with delivery to Playa Central. Disconcertingly smooth launch and removal of smaller of 3 jetskis! Needed some starter fluid to… Continue reading deliveries & jetskis
Yesterday was a *workout*. I’ve been slacking on runs etc., but holding breath and regular hours of swimming are kicking my butt. Look at this sweeeet concrete pump. Probably cheap and would let us do cement walls on several casitas + whatever pools in ~a day. I think you do foundation as a separate pour… Continue reading sore/pumped
Island Fishing
Boat to Isla Cerralvo spearfishing good not great: cooler full of fish, nothing huge. By us at least: dudes on a different boat spearing near us got a massive seriously probably 3.5′ 60+# amberjack as well as some other giants including I think a garibaldi (CA state fish, illegal to shoot there but fair game… Continue reading Island Fishing
jetskis fixed
Upgraded winch and everything: Also, I’m good at spearfishing again: 5 decent green jacks. Good but not great: had something like a Sierra but a sufficiently shitty shot that it got away.
geoengineering now
A rant: Unless we modify the stratosphere, Earth will be uninhabitable for most people and many species by 2050. We need to start now, and we need to be *even more* cavalier than we’ve been with modifying the atmosphere. No centralized institution is going to move quickly enough to do this: it’s got to be… Continue reading geoengineering now
Back Spearing
We fly in to a perfectly-functional Alexander, dirty and ready to roll. I restrain myself from immediately spearfishing and instead teak oil my wood guns: Oh yeah, and the rest of the property is fine too. Biggest change is that the windsock fell down:) Morning fishing: Punta Gorda. Reminder to self: bring a kayak or… Continue reading Back Spearing
We caught some (smaller fish), ate lots of tacos, and made a bit of progress. Now, a break. Back in ~2.5 months! Until then, enjoy the view from the very nice hotel we stayed at last night. Hasta luego!
Packing, Feasting
Here’s where bondtainer stands for now: holes cut but no doors, well supported, and a pole stage:) We’re leaving for a bit, Kate back to school and me to play with some large electric motors. Later, our desert ocean paradise! A very tasty farm dinner in East Cape.
Clean hose
Shortly after patting myself on the back for how clean this improvised hose line repair turned out, old chunk of host as internal gusset at one end and all, I over-tighten 2 bolts and brake them in their sockets. Doh! The jetski repair travails continue.